Type of test
Types of testing machines - Discover | IBERTEST
Properties of a material have to be determined through a test which simulates its real working solicitudes.
Example 1:
Compression Test Machine
Compression test over concrete: the main application of concrete is as material for structural elements on construction. Most common external solicitude on real conditions will be compression (and bending). Compression test, applies an axial compression load over a standardized sample in order to determine the maximum strength. The sample (cilynder or cube) is placed between the compression plates of the testing machine.
The testing machine has to assure a sufficiente stiffness to support the high loads to be applied during the test. Also high accuracy transducers and a state of the art controller is needed to warranty a test execution 100% according to standards requirements.
Example 2:
Tensile Test Machine
Tensile test over steel. Steel combines high stiffness with elesticity. It is widely used as structural or resistant element on application where a certain degree of deformation is useful. To high rigidity, guides to brittle behavior and to systems breakage.
For this reason, it is necessary to determine the limits of the elastic range, as well as maximum strength and in some cases maximum deformation.
An universal testing machine is used for performing this test. Depending on the dimensions and shape of the sample, specific gripping heads will be chosen to assure a proper grip of sample, which will avoid slippery during test and also samples breaking by jaws.
The control and measurement system, compossed by controller, transducer and information comming from the software will assure that test is executed following test requirements and that measurements will be reliable.
The use of extensometer in tensile test is extremely importante when elastic behaviour and parameters has to be determined.
Example 3:
Bending Test Machine
Bending test over wood and timber beams: the main application is to support load applied over the whole length of the beam or over some certain points.
In this case, the test is commonly performed over a real sample.
The beam is placed over two supports and a vertical load is applied over 1, 2 or more points to determine de strength and deformation of the beam during the bending test. For measuring the deformation of the beam, linear transducers are used to assure maximum accuracy of measurements.
Bending machines for this application need to have the capacity of being programmed in load, displacement or deformation speed rate, depending on the material and the standard being followed..